

慧天地 2022-07-17

The following article is from 地球空间信息科学学报GSIS Author 邵振峰



本文发表于Geo-spatial Information Science(GSIS)2021年第2期


武汉大学邵振峰教授团队首次利用遥感数据和社交媒体数据,对2011—2017年坦桑尼亚莫罗戈罗市的城市扩张情况及其对城市可持续发展的影响进行了研究,并对莫罗戈罗市战略计划提出了建议。相关研究成果凝练于学术论文Urban sprawl and its impact on sustainable urban development: a combination of remote sensing and social media data中,发表于Geo-spatial Information Science(地球空间信息科学学报,GSIS)上。上线不足一年,下载约7000次,Google Scholar被引14次。



Zhenfeng Shao, Neema S. Sumari, Aleksei Portnov, Fanan Ujoh, Walter Musakwa & Paulo J. Mandela (2020) Urban sprawl and its impact on sustainable urban development: a combination of remote sensing and social media data, Geo-spatial Information Science, 

DOI: 10.1080/10095020.2020.1787800


  • 使用遥感数据、社交媒体数据、人口普查数据,对莫罗戈罗市城市扩张的范围和模式从天气时空格局上进行了识别。

  • 采用随机森林(RF)方法完成图像分类,将莫罗戈罗市划分为建成区、植被、农业和水体四类,并生成480个随机点对分类结果进行验证。从而确定城市扩张对城市可持续发展的影响,特别是对城市生态系统服务的影响。

  • 利用核函数,研究Twitter用户在距离市中心1公里缓冲区内的位置。从Twitter使用活跃度的地点,分析莫罗戈罗市城市扩张的空间和时间模式。






At present, growth in urban populations worldwide is considered as the factor directly responsible for the unprecedented rate of urban sprawl being recorded majorly in cities within the global south. Due to the rapid rise in urbanization levels in most countries across the world since 1950 (United Nations 2018), the monitoring and analysis of urban expansion have become a popular topic in geoscience applications in various regions around the world (Zhang et al. 2019a).


To track deforestation, changes in cultivation, ecosystem and land use transformation patterns, airborne and satellite  remote sensing are very precise and useful (Fu et al.  2013; Ligate, Chen, and Wu 2018; Nzunda and Midtgaard 2019). Combining them with socioeco nomic surveys, social sensing data, censuses, and other biophysical information collection methods  have brought an improved understanding of land  cover and use patterns and change detection as well  as the factors driving these changes (Huang, Wang,  and Li 2018). Using big Earth data technologies can accelerate scientific discovery and support global sustainable development.


The expanding footprint of cities implies a greater expenditure on infrastructure provision to adjoining fringes, which is often not available in developing countries. It is, therefore, common to find that developed areas in the urban periphery are not provided with infrastructure, leading to the informal provision that can pose economic hardship and environmental hazards that can be categorized as short, medium and long term.


While social disciplines, such as psychology and economics, will undoubtedly play a decisive role in urban policymaking, satellite remote sensing images continue to provide useful information on a verifiable basis to support administrative decision making in urban planning and management. It is increasingly becoming evident that social media data can also provide effective governance or guidance indications, which are found equally important in terms of urban planning and management.




This study adopted the geotagged tweets that show longitude and latitude, as they are more accurate to generate both accessibility and spatial analysis using network analysis and to examine the distance of the user for a given radius from the city center。


The results indicate that people tend to tweet more in the city center than outside the city center Figure 6 suggesting that there are more telecommunication infrastructure to support the Twitter platform within the city center than is the case on the city fringes. The status is same for both new Twitter accounts and actual tweets originating from within the study area. The correlation between Twitter accounts and population of the Morogoro urban municipality reveals a strong positive correlation (Figure 7) where population increase corresponds with increase in Twitter accounts in the Morogoro urban municipality.


Evidence has also shown that the high population, accompanied by poverty, often leads to increased incidences of environmental degradation. In addition, improving the quality of life of a population requires sufficient provision of social services like waste management and sanitation services, education, health, water, transport and housing. This implies that the growth in population has put additional pressure on financial resources of the Morogoro urban municipality council to serve the growing population.


邵振峰   武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室教授。1998年和2001年在武汉测绘科技大学分别获得学士和硕士学位,2004年在武汉大学获得博士学位。主要研究方向为城市遥感应用。具体研究方向包括高分辨率遥感图像处理与分析、从数字城市到智慧城市、海绵城市的关键技术与应用。

Zhenfeng Shao is a professor in the State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University. He got his bachelor's and master's degrees from Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, respectively, in 1998 and 2001, and received the PhD degree from Wuhan University in 2004. His research interest mainly focuses on urban remote sensing applications. The specific research directions include high-resolution remote sensing image processing and analysis, key technologies and applications from digital cities to smart cities and sponge cities.

Neema S. Sumari  武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程实验室地理空间信息科学博士,专业是摄影测量和遥感。她也是索科伊内农业大学(SUA)的附属成员,在美国阿拉巴马农业机械大学(AA&MU)获得计算机科学硕士和理学学士学位。研究兴趣包括地理信息系统与遥感应用的空间分析、地球科学与观测、土地利用研究和软件工程。

Neema S. Sumari holds a PhD in Geo-Spatial Information Science, with specialization in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at LIESMARS (Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, and Remote Sensing), Wuhan University, China. She is also an affiliate member at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Morogoro, Tanzania. She obtained her MSc and BSc both in Computer Science at Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University (AA&MU) in the United States of America. Her research interest includes spatial analysis with GIS and remote sensing applications, earth sciences and observation, land use studies, and software engineering.

Aleksei Portnov 于莫斯科国立大学获得博士学位,方向为地籍、土地利用与GIS技术。他也是国际制图协会委员会成员、莫斯科国立大学大地测量学和制图学学院科学研究副院长。研究兴趣包括土地利用方向的遥感应用、概率模型和空间数据聚合、大地测量和制图的国家管理等。

Aleksei Portnov holds a PhD in cadastre, land use and GIS technology at Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Russia. Member of the Commission of the International cartographic Association (ICA), Vice-rector for scientific research at Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography. His research interests include remote sensing applications in land use, probabilistic models, and spatial data aggregation. He is also interested in state regulation of geodesic and cartographic activities.

Fanan Ujoh 于阿布贾大学获得博士学位,方向是环境资源规划。他也是伦敦南岸大学可持续发展与弹性基础设施和社区中心(SaRIC)的附属成员。研究兴趣是应用地理空间科学解决非洲撒哈拉以南地区的实际环境问题。

Fanan Ujoh holds a PhD in Environmental Resources Planning from the University of Abuja, Nigeria. He is currently an Affiliate Member at the Center for Sustainability and Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (SaRIC), London South Bank University, London, UK. His research interest is in the application of geospatial science in resolving practical environmental problems in sub-Saharan Africa.

Walter Musakwa 南非约翰内斯堡大学城市和区域规划系的副教授,获南非斯泰伦博斯大学地理学和环境研究博士学位、南非夸祖鲁纳塔尔大学城市和区域规划硕士学位、津巴布韦大学农村和城市规划学士学位。主要研究方向为地理空间信息技术在城市规划、农业和农村的社会应用。此外,还对智慧城市、基于地理位置的服务、志愿地理信息及其在发展中国家的应用感兴趣。

Walter Musakwa holds a PhD in Geography and Environmental Studies from Stellenbosch University, South Africa, a Master in Urban and Regional Planning from University of Kwa Zulu-Natal, South Africa, and a BSc honors in Rural and Urban Planning from the University of Zimbabwe. His main research interests and publications are on societal applications of geo-spatial information technologies in urban planning, agriculture, and rural areas. He is also interested in smart cities, geolocationbased services, volunteered geographic information and their applications in developing countries. Walter is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Paulo J. Mandela 目前是莫罗戈罗市的一名高级城市规划技术员。主要职责是确定地理位置优越的城市定居用地,同时协助开发和维护项目信息数据库,为部门编制土地地图,并担任不同职位的空间规划师。具有达累斯萨拉姆阿迪大学城市基础设施和规划管理领域的学士学位。

Paulo J. Mandela is currently a Senior Town Planning Technician at the Morogoro Municipality. His main responsibilities are to identify well-located land for urban settlement. He also assisting in developing and maintaining of the project information database, developing land maps for the department and served as a spatial planner in various positions. He is holding a BSc in the field of urban infrastructure and planning management from Ardhi University, DaresSalaam.



通过谷歌地球引擎(GEE)平台从美国地质调查局(USGS)网站(http://eartheplorer.usgs.gov/)下载30米空间分辨率的Landsat 7影像。

在GEE里,提取2011-2017年(2011、2013、2015和2017年)研究区域范围(Path/Row 167/ 65)和研究时段的时间序列图像。利用ERDAS imagine version 2015和ArcGIS version 10.4软件对图像数据进行处理,包括辐射校正和几何校正,使用的是世界大地测量系统(WGS84)基准的通用横向麦卡托投影(UTM-Zone 37 South)。


利用Twitter API流选取显示经度和纬度的地理标签推文,从研究区域基于用户配置文件的账户位置提取2011-2017年的1597个地理位置。


图1 莫罗戈罗市Twitter数据的空间分布

图2 研究方法


1) 遥感数据和推特数据预处理。

2) 图像分类、土地利用变化检测和验证。

3) 利用土地覆盖变化的分类结果识别空间模式。

图3 研究方法概述


图4 核表面拟合


图5 莫罗戈罗市土地覆盖分布情况

图6 7年来新用户账号和推文位置的核距离值增加


图7 推特账户数量与该地区人口之间的相关性

图8 2011 - 2017年城市用地空间分布及Twitter数据

图9 莫罗戈罗市人口从2012年到2017年增加量

表1 莫罗戈罗市土地覆盖变化及其对生态系统服务的影响


表2 第11条可持续发展目标(SDGs)

表3 第15条可持续发展目标(SDGs)

关于  Geo-spatial Information Science

Geo-spatial Information Science(GSIS)是由武汉大学主办的测绘遥感专业英文期刊,主编为中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士李德仁教授。2020年9月被SCIE收录。

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编辑:刘欣然 审核:欧雅玟 朱奔宇

